Why Selecting a Designer Feels a Lot Like Dating…

I was studying our client on-boarding and could not help but notice that selecting a designer feels a lot like dating. 

Think about it - Maybe we are introduced because a friend or family member mentioned me in conversation or you happened upon my IG profile?  

Perhaps you even “Google me” to see “what’s so special about her?

Next is the part where you decide if you like what you read, what you hear or what you see.

Curious to see if we might hit it off, we agree to a quick coffee shop conversation or call. We talk about likes, dislikes, hobbies, family, career, and even pets… It’s our opportunity to see if we would like spending more time together.

You have to admit the similarities are there and rightfully so. You and your interior designer of choice will be spending a lot of time together so make sure this is someone you are comfortable with. And just like any relationship, it will thrive if you are open and honest with yourself and your home designer. It allows for ideas to flow and concepts to evolve into a beautiful reality. The interior designer / client relationship is one built on trust, a shared vision and communication is paramount. Depending upon the scope of your home design project, you will be spending weeks, months, or even years together - so choose wisely.


The Caffeinated Creative


5 Signs You are Ready to Hire an Interior Designer